Smile Gallery
The Impact Of
A New Smile
A new smile can be truly life-changing, and at South Hills Dental Arts, we witness these transformations every day. When patients feel confident about their smile, it creates a ripple effect on their entire life. Newfound confidence, improved oral health, and the ability to smile, speak, and chew are just a few of the countless benefits patients experience after treatment.
If you’ve been less than satisfied with the look of your smile, you’ve come to the right place. South Hills Dental Arts is honored to guide you back to flourishing health and give you the smile you’ve always wanted.
Discover The Difference
Changing Smiles, Changing Lives
Dr. Yousef started with bite therapy and then went into study models, provisional staging, and then finals. The results? A beautiful new smile with veneers for this awesome patient!
To restore this patient's smile back to its true form, Dr. Yousef placed several implants. Dr. Yousef then completed mounted models as well as provisional crowns and final crowns.
Crowns and Bridges
Dr. Johnson placed 6 upper anterior crowns, completely restoring this patient's severely decayed and broken smile.
Snap-In Dentures
This patient came to Dr. Johnson with an upper partial and a variety of ill fitting and failing crowns. A set of snap-in dentures on the patient's upper arch restored their health to its peak form.
Snap-In Dentures
Broken and missing teeth kept this patient from smiling with confidence. Dr. Johnson was able to renew the natural form and function of their smile with a set of snap-in denutres on their upper arch.
Snap-In Dentures
Before coming to our office, this patient struggled with failing teeth, recession, and bone loss. With a set of upper and lower snap-in dentures, Dr. Johnson was able to completley restore their smile.Before coming to our office, this patient struggled with failing teeth, recession, and bone loss. With a set of upper and lower snap-in dentures, Dr. Johnson was able to completley restore their smile.
See What Patients Are Saying